Email database of Indian individual consumers & customers (B2C)

We provide various kind of email database of Indian consumers & customers. here is list below of email database of Indian consumers & customers. Following databases can also be segregated location wise.

Please click on any email database below to get the details of that particular database.

Please feel free to contact us for any query or clarification

Email database of General Corporate Working people/ Salaried Persons
Email database of Higher Income group people & HNIs
Email database of Online Buyers/ Online Shoppers
Email database of Demat Account Holders & Investors
Email database of Credit Card Holders
Email database of Car Owners
Email database of Job Seekers
Email database of Students
Email database of Frequent Flyers
Email database of NRI
Email database of Doctors
Email database of Lawyers
Email database of Chartered Accountants
Email database of working women